
"I think, therefore I am."
"I doubt I think,
therefore I doubt I am."

This website is a work in progress :3

9.20.24-- It's Friday. I'm at school writing this. My friend just dropped some of his insane family lore on me out of nowhere. Man, my family needs to get more interesting. /j. I have a lot of free time, so I plan on adding more elements to this page, but I normally code in Firefox (on my PC), so using Chrome (on my Chromebook) may be a challenge. Not that I can't code in Chrome specifically, but just the fact that the page shows up differently on Chrome than it does Firefox. I'll figure it out.

9.16.24-- It's Monday, really early Monday. I'm studying.

9.13.24-- recovering from mild identity crisis. I've determined that I am still myself if I take personality traits from others because those traits are hand-picked and analyzed through my own subjective view.

9.11.24-- It's Wednesday. I haven't posted in a while.

8.28.24-- It's Wednesday. I have no energy.

8.25.24-- It's Sunday. I've done a lot of work and made a lot of progress in some of my projects. Despite all that, I've realized that I am still in my "fail girl era." (A friend of mine diagnosed me with that, I didn't choose the label.)

8.24.24-- It's Saturday. I woke up early and made waffles. I still have a lot of work to finish.

8.23.24-- It's Friday. I don't have much to say. It's just Friday. Will update later if I come up with something.

8.22.24-- It's Thursday. Weird high school drama stuff happened. I'm not involved so idc but it bothers my friends. Teenagers are weird. I feel like we should all just get along. Talk through things. Speaking of drama, I auditioned for a school play today. I don't think I'll get in, but it was fun auditioning.
I have ideas for my landing page. I'm so sleepy, though. Can't wait for the weekend, when I'll be able to get stuff done.

8.21.24-- It's Wednesday. I don't know if I can keep this a daily thing. I'm super busy. Academic/Quiz Bowl Team tryouts ended recently. Glad to see some new freshmen join the team. Glad I'm no longer one of them. School play auditions are tomorrow. I wish I had more time in the day.

8.18.24-- It's Sunday. I woke up at 6:30 to get my math work done. I got a fair amount of it done, but I was interrupted by my father. It appears that I had forgotten that religion exists. Which makes sense, I don't think I have a very religious nature.
As far as math goes, I'm a walking enigma of sorts. I love math, but I suck at it. I ended the year last year with a fairly good grade in Algebra I, but I don't know how. My math teacher then said I was smart and good at math, but trust me when I say that I was lost the entire time. This year, I have two math classes. Double the struggle. Double the challenge too, I guess, if we want to look at the glass as half-full. Quiz bowl season starts soon. I also need to study for that. I wish I had just one more weekend day.
While we're at it, I'd like to wish for more rain. There was a big thunderstorm the night before yesterday. Hence the website background image. Rain is nice.
One last thing, if you click on the phone on my home page, it shakes a bit and plays a Nokia sound. Check it out ig.

8.17.24-- It's Saturday. I had plans to work on my math homework today. I forgot that it's my youngest sister's birthday. She's 6 now. I haven't been able to do that homework because I've been with my family doing things for her birthday. I just put in a Roblox gift card for her. I think we're going to the movies soon. I can do the homework tomorrow, I suppose.

8.16.24-- I can't explain why I'm so devoted to this diary thing. Had a nice day. Made some friends. After school, I went to a restaurant. Got a dish with chicken, steak, shrimp, cheese, and cactus, among other things. I crave the cactus.

8.15.24-- The first day of school was okay. I like my class schedule. My friends are spread out across different groups, so it's hard to know where to hang out. I wish it wasn't so hot. I miss the recent graduates. I'm going to update my main home page soon. I don't have much to say, I want to take a nap so badly.

8.14.24-- I made this blog/diary page a while back, but never had it built properly... or really had anything to write in it. Well, now that my main page is pretty-much-almost-maybe-a-few-tweaks done, I might as well just copy the HTML from there over to here and start writing.
School starts tomorrow, that'll be fun. I was super worried about my class scheduling, but I have it all sorted out now. Dealing with my quiz bowl coach again will be annoying, but we do what we must to get by. I strengthened some friendships over the summer, so hopefully that will be rewarding in the new school year. Extroversion and social anxiety, killer combo.

Hey, this is just my place to write whatever ramblings come to my head each day. I guess it should be called 'diary', rather than 'blog', but eh. Blog sounds more professional. As if anything about this page is professional. Most of these entries will probably be fairly boring, but think of it like a slice-of-life story, I guess? Maybe I'll make a proper blog section one day, but I see nothing wrong with what I have here. I hope you enjoy reading.
"memento vivire"